Exempt Employee Salary Requirements

Question:  I heard the Department of Labor changed the salary threshold for employees who are…

Work/Life Balance and the Right to Disconnect

Question:  As an employer, what can I do to help my employees with their work-life balance? Answer:…

Indoor Heat Illness Prevention Regulations on the Horizon

On March 21, 2024, the CalOSHA Standards Board (CalOSHA) unanimously voted to adopt heat illness…

Reproductive Loss Leave

Question: I recently learned there is a new type of leave employees may take concerning…

New Model Template for Workplace Violence Prevention Plans

Question: I heard my business needs to establish a workplace violence prevention plan by July 1,…

Prior Marijuana Use – No Questions Asked?

Question:  I’ve heard that, as a business owner, I can no longer ask employees or potential…

Gender Identity and Expression Harassment

Question: I follow California’s requirements for posting notices and providing harassment…

New, Relaxed Guidelines for Dealing with COVID in the Workplace

Question:  Have there been any changes to the testing requirements or isolation periods for…

Leave of Absence as a Reasonable Accommodation

Question: My employee has been on medical leave for 2 months. How long do I have to provide a leave…

New Required Notice and Expansion of California Paid Sick Leave

Question:  I recently learned I must increase the amount of paid sick leave I’m providing to my…

New Year, New Minimum Wage

Question:  As a business owner, I normally update my staff hourly wages and salaries each January.…

Can an Employee Rescind a Resignation

Question:  One of my employees sent me an email resigning from their job, and then later told me…